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  • niceislove


This summer I decided that my perfect birthday should happen in my perfect town. Even though the consequences tried to stop me, I didn't give up: sometimes you should go for what you truly feel whatever happens.

Besides that I have a tradition to go to the place I haven't been for my birthday and had to choose something around. Not considering too much I've chosen Eze village and we went there with my wonderful friend who is passionate about photography and just got a new camera.

Thank you, my dear Kate, for this perfect present which is even more special knowing that you are not fond of taking pictures of people :)

After a half an hour wandering around for a bus stop (I loose my account manager's skills on vacations) we have happily found it and in another half an hour arrived to the village.

At Eze I've been expecting to see an extended version of Saint Paul de Vence with lots of small shops and restaurants but it is more about the view when you climb up (coming soon as the Part II) and some picturesgue stone narrow streets and two famous restaurants with a view: Chevre D'or and Chateau Eza.

We blocked the road and spent around an hour just in front of Chateau Eza! All that time I've been charmed looking at the unbelievably blue sky after a very cloudy morning for my birthday.

At such moments you realise that you don't need a lot for happiness. Just the Sun and blue sky. On French Riviera :)


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